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Version 2.4.0
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Smash B. | Feeds for YouTube Pro is a powerful WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates YouTube feeds into your website. It offers customizable layouts, responsive design, and automatic updates, enhancing user engagement. Effortlessly display videos, playlists, and channels with this user-friendly tool, perfect for boosting your site's visual appeal and content dynamism.

How to download Smash B. | Feeds for YouTube Pro

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Core Features of Smash B. | Feeds for YouTube Pro

  • Display YouTube Videos: Easily showcase YouTube videos on your WordPress site.
  • Multiple Feed Layouts: Choose from various layout options to display your feeds.
  • Customizable Feed Styles: Adjust the appearance of your feeds to match your site’s design.
  • Responsive Design: Ensure that your YouTube feeds look great on all devices.
  • Automatic Updates: Automatically update feeds with the latest videos from your YouTube channel.
  • Video Filtering: Filter videos by keywords or exclude specific videos from your feed.
  • SEO Friendly: Enhance your site’s SEO with optimized YouTube feeds.
  • Lightbox Video Playback: Allow users to watch videos in a lightbox without leaving your site.
  • Custom End Actions: Customize what happens after a video ends, such as displaying related videos.
  • Priority Support: Access premium support for any issues or questions.

List of improvements in Smash B. | Feeds for YouTube Pro version 2.4.0

  • Author: Smash Balloon
  • Contributors: smashballoon, craig-at-smash-balloon
  • Support Website: http://smashballoon/youtube-feed/
  • Tags: YouTube, YouTube feed, YouTube widget, YouTube player, YouTube gallery
  • Requires at least: 4.1
  • Tested up to: 6.6
  • Stable tag: 2.4.0
  • License: Non-distributable, Not for resale
  • Feeds for YouTube Pro allows you to display completely customizable YouTube feeds from any channel.
  • == Description ==
  • Display **completely customizable**, **responsive*and **search engine crawlable*versions of your YouTube feed on your website. Completely match the look and feel of your site with tons of customization options!
  • = Features =
  • **Completely Customizable*by default inherits your theme’s styles
  • YouTube feed content is **crawlable by search engines*adding SEO value to your site
  • **Completely responsive and mobile optimized*works on any screen size
  • Display videos from any channel in a list, gallery, carousel slider or grid
  • Display videos from your **favorites list**
  • Show a feed of live streaming videos on your site.
  • Allow **filtering*of videos using keywords in the description or title
  • Fully functional **search endpoint*for display videos from a search result
  • **Combine multiple feeds*into one
  • Customizable **actions when video completes*like displaying a link to a product page for example.
  • Download video data into a **custom post type*to allow visitors to browse and view videos on your website.
  • Display **multiple feeds*from different YouTube channels on multiple pages or widgets
  • Post caching means that your YouTube feed loads **lightning fast*and minimizes YouTube API requests
  • **Infinitely load more*of your YouTube videos with the ‘Load More’ button
  • Built-in easy to use “YouTube Feed” Widget
  • Fully internationalized and translatable into any language
  • Display a beautiful header at the top of your YouTube gallery
  • Enter your own custom CSS or JavaScript for even deeper customization
  • For simple step-by-step directions on how to set up the Feeds for YouTube Pro plugin please refer to our [setup guide]( ‘Feeds for YouTube Pro setup guide’).
  • = Benefits =
  • **Increase social engagement*between you and your users, customers, or fans
  • **Save time*by using the Feeds for YouTube Pro plugin to generate dynamic, search engine crawlable content on your website
  • **Get more follows*by displaying your YouTube videos directly on your site
  • Display your YouTube gallery **your way*to perfectly match your website’s style
  • The plugin is **updated regularly*with new features, bug-fixes and YouTube API changes
  • Support is quick and effective
  • We’re dedicated to providing the **most customizable**, **robust*and **well supported*YouTube feed plugin in the world!
  • == Installation ==
  • 1. Install the Feeds for YouTube Pro plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your web server (in the /wp-content/plugins/ directory).
  • 2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  • 3. Navigate to the ‘Feeds for YouTube Pro’ settings page to configure your YouTube gallery.
  • 4. Use the shortcode [youtube-feed feed=1] in your page, post or widget to display your feed.
  • 5. You can display multiple YouTube channels with different configurations by creating additional feeds specifying the feed ID directly in the shortcode: [youtube-feed feed=2].
  • For simple step-by-step directions on how to set up the Feeds for YouTube Pro plugin please refer to our [setup guide]( ‘Feeds for YouTube Pro setup guide’).
  • = Setting up the Free Feeds for YouTube Pro WordPress Plugin =
  • The Feeds for YouTube Pro plugin is brand new and so we’re currently working on improving our documentation for it. If you have an issue or question please submit a support ticket and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
  • 1) Once you’ve installed the Feeds for YouTube Pro plugin click on the “Feeds for YouTube Pro” item in your WordPress menu
  • 2) Click on the large blue YouTube login button to get your YouTube Access Token and YouTube Refresh Token. Note; if you have your own YouTube Developer Project set up then you can enter your YouTube API key by enabling the checkbox below the YouTube login button.
Other versions Date Download
Download Smash B. | Feeds for YouTube Pro 2.3.2 22/10/2024 Join Now

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