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Version 1.5.3
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With BricksExtras, we unlock a plethora of creative possibilities, enhancing our WordPress experience. This plugin, replete with unique elements, empowers us to craft visually stunning websites. Its intuitive interface, combined with robust features, ensures our designs are both aesthetic and functional. Let's embrace this tool, and elevate our web creations to new heights.

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Core Features of BricksExtras

  • Advanced Elements: Offers a variety of advanced elements to enhance your website’s functionality and design.
  • Customizable Widgets: Provides highly customizable widgets that can be tailored to fit your specific needs.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures that all elements are fully responsive and look great on all devices.
  • Performance Optimized: Built with performance in mind to ensure fast loading times and efficient resource usage.
  • Regular Updates: Frequently updated to include new features and improvements, ensuring compatibility with the latest WordPress versions.
  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrates with the Bricks Builder for a smooth and cohesive design experience.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users of all skill levels to use.
  • Extensive Documentation: Comes with comprehensive documentation to help you get the most out of the plugin.
  • Dedicated Support: Provides dedicated support to assist with any issues or questions you may have.

List of improvements in BricksExtras version 1.5.3

  • Changelog page:
  • = 1.5.3 ( Nov 08, 2024 ) =
  • [Pro Countdown] Added support for city/county timezone format.
  • [Toggle Switch] Fixed an issue from v1.5.2 preventing toggle to work in some cases.
  • [General] Added little ‘x’ next to all elements in builder to help distinguish between native elements when searching. Screenshot:
  • = 1.5.2 ( Nov 05, 2024 ) =
  • Highlights:
  • [Favorite Button] New element to allow users to add/remove individual posts to favourite lists / wishlists.
  • [Query Loop Extras] New Favorites Query Loop, for displaying user’s favorite posts.
  • [Query Loop Extras] New WP Menu Query for looping through WP menu items.
  • [Query Loop Extras] New Gallery Query for looping through images from a gallery (supports ACF Gallery field and Meta Box Image Advanced fields).
  • [Dynamic Tags] Dynamic tags added for menu item labels, URLs, descriptions and classes.
  • [Conditions] New “current taxonomy term has parent” condition.
  • [Site breadcrumbs] Added an option to choose which taxonomy to display for each CPT.
  • [WooCommerce Conditions] New condition for cart total excluding shipping cost.
  • [Star Rating] Added an option to change color to show rating, rather than different icons.
  • [Pro Countdown] New action “Count Up” for counting back up once the end date is in the past.
  • [General] Better RTL support across elements.
  • [Pro Slider] Added support for mobile-first breakpoints.
  • [Pro Slider] Add support for using Bricks’ infinite scroll on slide element query loop to add new slides dynamically as the slider moves.
  • [Pro Slider Gallery] Added support for captions and thumbnails when linked with for Bricks’ Lightbox.
  • [General Conditions] “Is parent” condition now supports hierarchical CPTs.
  • [Header Search] Now supports use with Bricks’ live search and filter elements nested in search overlay.
  • [Dynamic Chart] New option to show data labels inside charts.
  • [Dynamic Table] Can now sort columns by date.
  • [Dynamic Table] Can now remove sorting per column.
  • [Interactive Cursor] Can now change cursor colors when moving over elements.
  • [Popover] Added “append to footer” to allow popover to always be above all other elements.
  • [Member Conditions] Added “active” or “cancelled” status to Wishlist Member conditions.
  • [Member Conditions] Added “active”, “cancelled”, “expired”, “pending” status to RCP conditions.
  • [Pro Accordion] Improved behavior when nesting accordions inside accordions.
  • [Slide Menu] Added option to have slide menu open at current active page.
  • [Social Share] Added option to have links open in the same tab.
  • [Social Share] Fixed the issue where custom URL would output as NULL.
  • [Read More] Fixed the issue where readmore wouldn’t re-open inside modal.
  • [Read More] Fixed the issue where readmore could cause page scroll.
  • [Lottie] Fixed the issue where URL was not accepting dynamic data.
  • [Header Extras / Rows] Fixed the issue where Bricks’ mega menu dropdown could have wrong position when opened if inside hidden header row.
  • [WooCommerce Conditions] Fixed the issue where “Current Product in cart” set to ‘false’ wouldn’t work.
  • [General] Amended some default CSS to prevent ACSS from adding gaps inside nested element structures.
  • [Read More] Prevent ACSS from affecting height transition with interpolate-size.
  • [WooCommerce Conditions] Added “Product in cart has a coupon applied” condition. Enables you to render elements if the selected product is in the cart and has a valid coupon applied.
  • = 1.5.1 ( Apr 22, 2024 ) =
  • [Conditions] Added a new “Current Taxonomy Term Has Child” condition for use on taxonomy archives.
  • [Dynamic Lightbox] Now supports using Cloudflare CDN image delivery URLs when using gallery mode.
  • [Popovers] Added two new “action” interactions to allow for controlling via interaction settings.
  • [Pro Accordion] Now supports filtering individual accordion items using WPGridBuilder facets.
  • [Toggle Switch] Can now be used inside query loops.
  • [Pro Slider] Adjusted the default “wheel sleep” setting to 700ms when using wheel navigation, preventing skipping multiple slides.
  • [WPGB Styler] Now uses min-height rather than height for the select facet, preventing overflow when using combobox and multiselect.

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