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Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) enhances WordPress with powerful, intuitive tools for creating custom fields. Perfect for developers, it offers flexibility and control, allowing you to build tailored content management solutions with ease.

How to download Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF)



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Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) WordPress Plugin

WordPress is a powerful content management system (CMS) that allows users to create and manage websites with ease. One of the key features that make WordPress so versatile is its ability to extend functionality through plugins. Among the myriad of plugins available, Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) stands out as a must-have tool for developers and website owners who want to take their custom content management to the next level.

Introduction to Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF)

Advanced Custom Fields (ACF) is a WordPress plugin developed by Elliot Cordon that allows users to add custom fields to their WordPress edit screens. The PRO version of ACF offers additional features and capabilities that make it an indispensable tool for developers. With ACF PRO, you can create custom fields, manage field groups, and display custom content effortlessly.

Key Features of ACF PRO

ACF PRO comes packed with a wide range of features that enhance the functionality of your WordPress site. Some of the key features include:

  • Repeater Field: Allows you to create a set of sub-fields that can be repeated over and over again.
  • Gallery Field: Provides an easy way to manage and display image galleries.
  • Flexible Content Field: Offers a versatile layout manager with multiple content types.
  • Clone Field: Enables you to reuse existing fields and field groups.
  • Options Pages: Allows you to create global settings pages for your site.
  • ACF Blocks: Seamlessly integrates with the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg) to create custom blocks.

Benefits of Using ACF PRO

Using ACF PRO offers numerous benefits for both developers and website owners. Here are some of the main advantages:

  • Enhanced Customization: ACF PRO allows you to create highly customized content structures, making it easier to manage complex data.
  • Improved User Experience: By using custom fields, you can provide a more intuitive and user-friendly interface for content editors.
  • Time-Saving: The plugin simplifies the process of adding and managing custom fields, saving you time and effort.
  • Increased Flexibility: ACF PRO offers a wide range of field types and options, giving you the flexibility to create any type of content.
  • Seamless Integration: The plugin integrates seamlessly with WordPress, ensuring compatibility with other plugins and themes.

Getting Started with ACF PRO

Getting started with ACF PRO is straightforward. Follow these steps to install and configure the plugin:

  1. Purchase and Download: Visit the official ACF website and purchase the PRO version. Download the plugin file to your computer.
  2. Install the Plugin: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard, navigate to Plugins > Add New, and click on Upload Plugin. Select the downloaded file and click Install Now.
  3. Activate the Plugin: Once installed, click on Activate Plugin to enable ACF PRO on your site.
  4. Configure Settings: Navigate to Custom Fields in the WordPress admin menu to start creating and managing custom fields.

Creating Custom Fields with ACF PRO

Creating custom fields with ACF PRO is a simple process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Add a New Field Group: Go to Custom Fields > Field Groups and click on Add New. Give your field group a name and configure the settings.
  2. Add Fields: Click on Add Field to create a new custom field. Choose the field type, label, and other settings as needed.
  3. Set Field Location: Define where the field group should appear by setting the location rules. For example, you can display the fields on specific post types or pages.
  4. Publish Field Group: Once you’ve added all the necessary fields and configured the settings, click on Publish to save the field group.

Displaying Custom Fields in Your Theme

After creating custom fields, you’ll want to display them on your website. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Edit Theme Files: Open the theme file where you want to display the custom field. This could be a template file like single.php or page.php.
  2. Use ACF Functions: Use ACF functions to retrieve and display the custom field values. For example, you can use the_field(‘field_name’); to display a field value.
  3. Customize Output: Customize the output as needed using HTML and PHP. You can format the data, add styling, or create custom layouts.

Advanced Features of ACF PRO

ACF PRO offers several advanced features that can take your custom fields to the next level:

  • Repeater Field: The Repeater Field allows you to create a set of sub-fields that can be repeated over and over again. This is useful for creating lists, grids, or any other repeating content.
  • Gallery Field: The Gallery Field provides an easy way to manage and display image galleries. You can add, remove, and reorder images with a simple drag-and-drop interface.
  • Flexible Content Field: The Flexible Content Field offers a versatile layout manager with multiple content types. You can create complex layouts with different content blocks, making it ideal for building custom page builders.
  • Clone Field: The Clone Field enables you to reuse existing fields and field groups. This is useful for creating modular content and reducing redundancy.
  • Options Pages: Options Pages allow you to create global settings pages for your site. You can add custom fields to these pages and use them to manage site-wide settings.
  • ACF Blocks: ACF Blocks seamlessly integrate with the WordPress block editor (Gutenberg) to create custom blocks. You can define custom fields for each block and use them to build dynamic content.

Use Cases for ACF PRO

ACF PRO can be used in a variety of scenarios to enhance your WordPress site. Here are some common use cases:

  • Custom Post Types: Create custom fields for custom post types to manage unique content structures. For example, you can create custom fields for a portfolio post type to manage project details.
  • Custom Page Templates: Add custom fields to page templates to create dynamic and customizable layouts. For example, you can create a custom template for a landing page with fields for hero images, testimonials, and call-to-action buttons.
  • Theme Options: Use Options Pages to create a theme options panel where users can customize various aspects of the theme. For example, you can add fields for logo upload, color schemes, and social media links.
  • Custom Widgets: Create custom widgets with ACF PRO to add dynamic content to widget areas. For example, you can create a custom widget for displaying recent posts with custom fields for post thumbnails and excerpts.
  • Custom Blocks: Use ACF Blocks to create custom blocks for the WordPress block editor. For example, you can create a custom block for displaying team members with fields for name, position, and profile picture.


Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) is a powerful and versatile plugin that enhances the functionality of WordPress. With its wide range of features and capabilities, ACF PRO allows you to create and manage custom fields with ease. Whether you’re a developer looking to build complex content structures or a website owner seeking to improve content management, ACF PRO is an invaluable tool that can take your WordPress site to the next level.

By leveraging the power of ACF PRO, you can create highly customized and dynamic websites that meet the unique needs of your users. With its intuitive interface, seamless integration, and advanced features, ACF PRO is a must-have plugin for anyone looking to enhance their WordPress site.

Our review of Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF)

Rating: ★★★★☆


  • Highly Customizable: The plugin allows for a vast range of custom fields, making it extremely versatile for different types of content.
  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, even for beginners.
  • Extensive Documentation: There is a wealth of documentation available, making it easier to troubleshoot and learn.
  • Active Community Support: The plugin has a large user base, which means you can find help and advice from other users easily.
  • Regular Updates: The plugin is regularly updated, ensuring compatibility with the latest versions of WordPress and other plugins.


  • Cost: The PRO version is relatively expensive compared to other plugins offering similar functionality.
  • Learning Curve: While the interface is user-friendly, mastering all the features can take some time.
  • Performance Issues: On very large sites, the plugin can sometimes cause performance slowdowns.
  • Limited Free Version: The free version is quite limited in features, making the PRO version almost a necessity for advanced users.


The Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) plugin is a powerful tool for those who need extensive customization options for their WordPress site. While it comes with a few drawbacks such as cost and a learning curve, its benefits far outweigh these issues. With a strong community, regular updates, and a user-friendly interface, it remains a top choice for many WordPress developers.

Other versions Date Download
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Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 27/07/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.3.2 27/07/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 06/08/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.3.1 04/06/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 27/07/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.3.0 06/05/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.2.10 04/06/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.2.9 09/04/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.2.8 04/03/2024 Join Now
Elliot Cordon – Advanced Custom Fields PRO (ACF) 6.2.7 04/06/2024 Join Now

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  1. This plugin significantly enhances the flexibility of WordPress by allowing custom fields to be added effortlessly.
  2. ACF PRO is a game-changer for developers, providing a robust set of tools for creating custom content types.
  3. The user-friendly interface of ACF PRO makes it easy to manage custom fields without needing extensive coding knowledge.