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Manage access to your BuddyPress Community using Paid Memberships Pro. About BuddyPress BuddyPress adds community features to WordPress, including Member

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Manage access to your BuddyPress Community using Paid Memberships Pro. About BuddyPress BuddyPress adds community features to WordPress, including Member

List of improvements in Paid Memberships Pro BuddyPress version 1.5

  • = 1.5 2024-10-21 =
  • FEATURE: Now updating the plugin from
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added localized string in settings page. #119 (@JarrydLong)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added language files for Dutch and Portuguese (Brazil).
  • = 1.4.1 2023-05-09 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Support User Fields sync capability for XProfile fields. (@DarkLotus)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved logic around the [pmpro_account] shortcode filter to allow better adjustments with the ‘pmpro_buddypress_profile_account_shortcode’ filter. (@kimcoleman)
  • REFACTOR: Disabled the logic from update 1.3 to hide group meta. To hide the group meta please use CSS or call the functions directly in your custom plugin. (@andrewlimaza)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed some strings that weren’t translatable due to incorrect text domain. (@ipokkel)
  • = 1.4 2023-02-08 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added support for Multiple Memberships Per User. This merges the settings across all user’s levels and gives access to BuddyPress/BuddyBoss components.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added support for Pay By Check (pending), Approvals and other Add Ons that may set the `pmpro_hasMembershipLevel` to false when granting access to content.
  • DEPRECATED: Deprecated functions: pmpro_bp_get_user_old_level_options, pmpro_bp_set_member_groups and pmpro_bp_set_member_types. Use pmpro_bp_groups_pmpro_after_all_membership_level_changes and pmpro_bp_member_types_pmpro_after_all_membership_level_changes instead.
  • BUG FIX: Only show the membership tab for your own profile and not while viewing other members.
  • = 1.3.1 2022-09-13 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue from v1.3 that was causing the member directory to constantly be locked in most cases.
  • = 1.3 2022-09-12 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added “Membership” menu tab to the “View Profile” BuddyPress page.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Removed “Public” or “Private” wording from the frontend when viewing groups when this feature requires a level.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Removed “Public” option from XProfile field settings as this is restricted in certain cases.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved restrictions for notifications page when BuddyPress settings are locked down (I.e. Group Notifications).
  • ENHANCEMENT: Redirect away from the BuddyPress directory if the user’s membership level doesn’t allow access to Groups.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved the BuddyPress Directory SQL into parts so that tweaking/customizing the filtering is easier. New filter added `pmpro_bp_directory_sql_parts`.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the initial installation would not restrict BuddyPress. By default, on initial install all features of BuddyPress are restricted to non-members.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed an issue where the “Show Membership Level on Profiles” wasn’t working for BuddyBoss installs.
  • = 1.2.9 2022-06-21=
  • BUG FIX: Fixes an issue where logged-in user’s could not access the levels page if BuddyPress registration is set as the registration page.
  • = 1.2.8 2022-05-05 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixes various issue with registration redirects. Improves handling incomplete setups for registration and tidied up logic around this code. (Thanks @ideadude)
  • BUG FIX: Fixes an issue where the xprofile fields were not syncing correctly. (Thanks @ipokkel)
  • BUG FIX: Fixes an issue with group invites not working on level change.
  • = 1.2.7 2022-03-31 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Escape and localized strings to allow for translations and additional locales.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Now showing messages where settings also apply for BuddyBoss if the plugin is active.
  • BUG FIX: Fixes an issue where in some cases the $cancel_level wasn’t being passed through.
  • BUG FIX: Fixes a warning that the ‘id’ parameter is not set when visiting a group page.
  • = 1.2.6 2020-10-14 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where the create group and join group buttons were not being disabled for users who shouldn’t have had permission to create or join groups.
  • = 1.2.5 2020-04-06 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where users were redirected away from the profile page if all of BuddyPress was locked down.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issues with adding users to groups.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issues with removing users from invited groups if their level changed.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Stopping redirect loops on the levels page in some cases.
  • = 1.2.4 2019-06-28 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where the WP profile was still being restricted from users without access to BP.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where the ‘restrict all of BuddyPress’ setting wasn’t being applied correctly when levels were set to use non-member settings.
  • = 1.2.3 =
  • BUG FIX: Only getting members in directory if levels exist.
  • BUG FIX: Now locking down all of BuddyPress when a level’s settings are set to use non-member settings and BuddyPress is locked down for non-members.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue with admin menu link sometimes pointing to the wrong address.
Other versions Date Download
Download Paid Memberships Pro BuddyPress 1.4.1 01/03/1970 Join Now

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