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Version 1.5
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Hi! I'm Josh. Among other things, I'm a Web-focused Software Engineer. I am currently focused on building tools for publishers and experiences for readers with WordPress at NerdWallet.

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Hi! I'm Josh. Among other things, I'm a Web-focused Software Engineer. I am currently focused on building tools for publishers and experiences for readers with WordPress at NerdWallet.

List of improvements in Paid Memberships Pro Roles version 1.5

  • = 1.5 2024-10-29 =
  • SECURITY: Improved security and escaping of strings.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved capability for Paid Memberships Pro V3.0+ logic.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Defaulting to the “New User Default Role” setting when no role is selected within the membership level settings. This will dynamically change based on the default WordPress setting.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Allows creation of custom level roles for each membership level at any time if the role does not exist.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Deletes the `pmpro_draft_role` role when the plugin is deleted or delete roles and deactivate option is selected from the plugins page.
  • REFACTOR: Refactored some code to use built-in methods available from Paid Memberships Pro and older versions to support backwards compatibility.
  • = 1.4.2 2022-12-12 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved UI for role selection in the edit level settings.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where fatal error was being caused when Paid Memberships Pro was deactivated.
  • = 1.4.1 2021-08-30 =
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Checkbox list scrollbars are now more noticeable on MacOS.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where level role settings weren’t being honored sometimes if the default level role was selected.
  • = 1.4 2021-08-18 =
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Reworked function that assigns user roles for Paid Memberships Pro V2.5.8+. Fixes an issue with Multiple Memberships Per User and WooCommerce.
  • ENHANCEMENT: New filter added ‘pmpro_roles_after_role_change’. This allows developers to hook in during the role assignment process and run other code.
  • = 1.3.2 2020-11-24 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved logic around changing level and assigning roles.
  • = 1.3.1 2020-10-28 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where accidentaly removed administrator role from edit user profile page while plugin is active.
  • = 1.3 2020-10-26 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added options to level settings area to choose which roles members should receive when purchasing a level.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Supports members having multiple roles, and integration for Multiple Memberships Per User Add On.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added localization (translations) and escaped all front-end strings.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved coding standards and docblocks for all functions.
  • ENHANCEMENT: New filter added for when member cancels, allows developers to set a unique user role when a member cancels. Filter: ‘pmpro_roles_downgraded_role’
  • ENHANCEMENT: New filter added to allow developers to add/remove roles to the membership level settings checkboxes. By default this excludes the admin role. Filter: ‘pmpro_roles_downgraded_role’.
  • REFACTOR: Reworked the delete_level function. Logic is still the same.
  • = 1.2 2020-05-21 =
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Adding the “read” capability to all custom level roles by default. You can filter custom role capabilities using the `pmpro_roles_default_caps` filter.
  • BUG FIX: Repaired issue where the “Delete Roles and Deactivate” link would show when the plugin was inactive.
  • = 1.1 =
  • Added a “Delete Roles and Deactivate” link to the plugins page to deactivate with a bit more cleanup. Users are given the “Subscriber” role if they had a membership level based role before.
  • = 1.0 =
  • FEATURE: This is the initial version of the plugin.
Other versions Date Download
Download Paid Memberships Pro Roles 1.4.2 17/02/1970 Join Now

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