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Paid Memberships Pro Shipping is a powerful WordPress plugin that integrates seamlessly with Paid Memberships Pro. It allows you to manage and customize shipping options for your membership levels, ensuring a smooth and efficient delivery process for your members. Enhance your membership site with tailored shipping solutions.

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Core Features of Paid Memberships Pro Shipping

  • Shipping Address Fields: Adds shipping address fields to the membership checkout page.
  • Customizable Shipping Options: Allows you to set up different shipping options and rates based on membership levels.
  • Integration with Membership Levels: Enables different shipping options and rates for different membership levels.
  • Order Management: Provides tools for managing and processing shipping orders within the WordPress dashboard.
  • Shipping Reports: Generates reports on shipping activity for better tracking and management.
  • Email Notifications: Sends email notifications to both admin and members regarding shipping status and updates.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with popular WordPress themes and other plugins, ensuring smooth integration.
  • Customizable Labels: Allows customization of labels and messages related to shipping fields and options.
  • Support for Multiple Shipping Methods: Supports various shipping methods like flat rate, free shipping, and more.
  • International Shipping: Provides options for setting up international shipping rates and rules.

List of improvements in Paid Memberships Pro Shipping version 1.3

  • = 1.3 2024-07-10 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added support for V3.1+ Paid Memberships Pro frontend changes and kept backwards compatibility for older versions. (@MaximilianoRicoTabo, @andrewlimaza)
  • = 1.2 2024-04-24 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added shipping fields to the “Edit Member” page for PMPro v3.0+. #56 (@dparker1005)
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated `

    ` tags to `

    ` tags for better accessibility. #56 (@michaelbeil)

  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where shipping fields were not being saved when using PayPal Express. #56 (@dparker1005)
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where shipping fields were not being saved when using Stripe Checkout. #56 (@dparker1005)
  • REFACTOR: Now creating shipping fields as User Fields instead of coding them manually in the plugin. #56 (@dparker1005)
  • DEPRECATED: Removed functionality for the `PMPRO_SHIPPING_SHOW_REQUIRED` constant. #56 (@dparker1005)
  • = 1.1 2020-11-27 =
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Updated to use pmpro_is_checkout to conditionally load the JavaScript.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed spacing for address in Members List.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed incorrect textdomain for “Phone” field.
  • BUG FIX: Removed
    tag before output of Shipping Address details on Membership Confirmation page.
  • = 1.0 2020-04-30 =
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Checking if user has a membership that includes shipping fields or is an admin before displaying fields.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added support for PMPro v2.3+ frontend profile.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Setting to v1.0 to reflect the stability of the functionality and code base.
  • = .8 2020-01-06 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added phone data to confirmation message, email and Member’s List area.
  • ENHANCEMENT: General code improvements and optimization.
  • BUG FIX: Improved registration checks for when users did not select the “Same as Billing” option.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANCEMENT: Better support for PayPal and other offsite gateways.
  • = .7 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Support State Dropdown Add On.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added in phone field support for shipping address.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved internationalization for translating the plugin.
  • = .6 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed bugs where shipping address was not being saved. Rewrote the logic that figures out when and how to save shipping to user meta based on the chosen gateway.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed bugs where the “same as” checkbox was no longer toggling the shipping address fields or being hidden when there was no billing address to copy.
  • BUG FIX/ENHANEMENT: Now checking if PMPRO_SHIPPING_SHOW_REQUIRED is already defined so you can override it in wp-config.php instead of having to edit this plugin.
  • = .5 =
  • ENHANCEMENT: Copying billing to shipping address when using the Add PayPal Express Option at Checkout and Pay By Check add-ons
  • ENHANCEMENT/FIX: Didn’t save Shipping Address when using PayPal Standard
  • ENHANCEMENT: Improved fields display on membership checkout page to use no tables for compatibility with Paid Memberships Pro v1.9.4.
  • = .4 =
  • BUG FIX: Fixed warnings related to use of get_usermeta.
  • BUG FIX: Fixed issue where shipping fields continued to show when “same as” was selected.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Added a pmproship_required_shipping_fields filter.
  • = .3.3 =
  • BUG/ENHANCEMENT: Now sanitizing and validating the hide_shipping/edit parameter when editing a level.
  • BUG/ENHANCEMENT: Wrapped the Shipping Information label for localization in the confirmation message. (Thanks, shr3k on GitHub)
  • = .3.2 =
  • BUG: Fixed warning with hide_shipping option when saving a level in the dashboard.
  • = .3.1 =
  • BUG: Now unestting SESSION variables after checkout in case someone refreshes the review page with PayPal Express.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Updated to hide the shipping fields on the review page when using PayPal Express.
  • = .3 =
  • FEATURE: Added a checkbox to hide the shipping address fields for certain levels.
  • ENHANCEMENT: Now hiding the “same as Billing Address” checkbox if the billing address is not visible.
Other versions Date Download
Download Paid Memberships Pro Shipping 1.2 29/04/2024 Join Now

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