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Peepso WP Event Manager is a powerful WordPress plugin that seamlessly integrates social networking features with event management. It allows users to create, manage, and share events within their community, enhancing engagement and interaction. Perfect for building vibrant, event-centric social platforms.

How to download Peepso WP Event Manager

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Core Features of Peepso WP Event Manager

  • Event Creation: Allows users to create and manage events directly from their profiles.
  • Event Listings: Displays a comprehensive list of all upcoming events.
  • Event Calendar: Provides a calendar view for easy navigation and event tracking.
  • RSVP Management: Users can RSVP to events, and organizers can manage attendee lists.
  • Event Notifications: Sends notifications to users about upcoming events and changes.
  • Event Sharing: Enables users to share events on social media and within the community.
  • Location Mapping: Integrates with Google Maps to provide event location details.
  • User Roles: Customizable user roles and permissions for event creation and management.
  • Custom Fields: Allows the addition of custom fields to event forms for more detailed information.
  • Event Categories: Organizes events into categories for better filtering and searching.
  • Frontend Submission: Users can submit events from the frontend without accessing the backend.
  • Recurring Events: Supports the creation of recurring events with customizable intervals.
  • Event Widgets: Provides widgets for displaying upcoming events, calendars, and more.
  • SEO Friendly: Optimized for search engines to improve event visibility.
  • Responsive Design: Ensures events and calendars are mobile-friendly and accessible on all devices.

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