Core Features of Social Warfare Pro
- Social Sharing Buttons: Easily add attractive social sharing buttons to your website to increase content visibility.
- Customizable Button Styles: Choose from various button styles and colors to match your website’s design.
- Share Count Recovery: Recover lost share counts when switching from HTTP to HTTPS or changing permalinks.
- Content Protection: Prevent users from copying your content by disabling right-click and text selection.
- Pin Image: Add a “Pin” button to images for easy sharing on Pinterest.
- Click-to-Tweet: Create tweetable quotes within your content to encourage sharing on Twitter.
- Social Proof: Display share counts to build credibility and encourage more shares.
- Analytics Integration: Track social sharing activity with integration to Google Analytics.
- Custom Tweets: Craft custom messages for Twitter shares to optimize engagement.
- Responsive Design: Ensure that social sharing buttons look great on all devices.
- Shortcodes: Use shortcodes to place social sharing buttons anywhere within your content.
- Widget Support: Add social sharing buttons to your sidebar or footer using widgets.