Core Features of Themify Shortcodes
- Responsive Design: Ensure that your content looks great on all devices with responsive shortcodes.
- Grid Layouts: Easily create column-based layouts with grid shortcodes.
- Buttons: Add customizable buttons to your posts and pages for better call-to-action.
- Sliders: Incorporate image or content sliders to showcase your media effectively.
- Boxes: Highlight important content using styled boxes.
- Toggle and Accordion: Organize content in collapsible sections for better readability.
- Tabs: Display content in tabbed sections to save space and improve navigation.
- Testimonials: Showcase client testimonials with dedicated shortcodes.
- Videos: Embed responsive videos from various sources effortlessly.
- Maps: Integrate Google Maps into your pages and posts with ease.
- Social Media: Add social media icons and links to enhance user engagement.
- Progress Bars: Display progress or skill levels with animated progress bars.
- Countdown Timer: Create urgency with countdown timers for events or offers.
- Pricing Tables: Present pricing options clearly with customizable pricing tables.