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wpForo Paid Memberships Pro Integration seamlessly combines the powerful wpForo forum plugin with Paid Memberships Pro. This integration allows you to create exclusive forum areas, manage user access, and monetize your community effortlessly. Enhance your forum experience with advanced membership features and control.

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Core Features of wpForo Paid Memberships Pro Integration

  • Seamless Integration: Easily integrates wpForo with Paid Memberships Pro.
  • Membership Level Control: Restrict forum access based on membership levels.
  • Customizable Access: Define custom access rules for different membership levels.
  • Automatic Synchronization: Syncs membership data between wpForo and Paid Memberships Pro.
  • Content Protection: Protects forum content based on user membership levels.
  • Flexible Settings: Offers flexible settings to manage membership and forum integration.
  • User Role Management: Assigns user roles based on membership levels.
  • Shortcode Support: Supports shortcodes for displaying membership-related information.
  • Notification System: Sends notifications for membership status changes.
  • Easy Setup: Simple and quick setup process with detailed documentation.
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Download wpForo Paid Memberships Pro Integration 1.1.0 12/03/1970 Join Now

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