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Multibank – Business and Finance WordPress Theme

Avertissement La description ci-dessous est un extrait de la description faite par le développeur original. Toute promesse de garantie, d'aide, de support ou de personnalisation dans la description ci-dessous ne s'applique à vous que si vous avez une licence originale.

Multibank is a banking and finance WordPress theme created for all businesses that are related to the sphere of finance; banking, business consulting, personal loan and credits, credit cards, finance, insurance, broker business and Forex trading. The theme has all the needed dedicated finance functionality, including calculated forms, which allow calculating loan monthly payment and other financial values.

If you are providing cash advance or payday loans service, or are creating a broker and forex trading website, Multibank theme is a perfect way to set up a finance website. Still, being a finance theme, Multibank theme design and functionality are so flexible, you can easily adapt it to any niche rather than finance. Huge custom widgets pack, premium slider included and much more; you will like it for sure!

Loans, Banking & Finance made easy!

What Finance & Banking Functionality is Inside?
  • Service Template
  • Services Page
  • Services Blocks
  • Financial Expert Post
  • A pack of finance and banking icons!
What Else is Inside?
  • Premium Elementor Addon included for free!
  • 70+ custom premium Elementor widgets
  • 50+ basic Elementor widgets
  • 21 WooCommerce Shop widgets
  • Smart System: Templates!
  • Smart System: Global Colors & Fonts
  • Smart System: Header & Footer Builder
  • Slider Revolution premium plugin included for free
  • ACF PRO premium plugin included for free
  • Custom Post Type UI Integration
  • Smart System: Installation Wizard

Current version 1.1.1

Theme tags are: loan, loans, finance, financial, bank, banking, finance theme, financial theme, finance WordPress theme, banking WordPress theme, finance Elementor theme, bank Elementor theme, payday, payday loan theme, cash in advance, personal loans, fintech, fintech WordPress theme, fintech theme, Elementor

For all Finance and Banking Needs

Multibank Bank and Finance WordPress Theme offers ready solutions for websites in the dentistry niche, providing vast functionality, ready-to-use layouts, dedicated professional design in three most-wanted styles!

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Online Docs:
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Note: The content images from Peopleimages are not included in the main download and should be purchased separately. The links to the images can be found here.

Spream Refferal Code: 7Ggyb9hE35

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