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WisdmLabs | Instructor Role for LearnDash PRO enhances your LearnDash LMS by allowing you to create and manage instructor roles. This plugin empowers instructors to create, manage, and grade courses independently, streamlining the e-learning process and improving course management efficiency.

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Fonctionnalités principales de WisdmLabs | Instructor Role for LearnDash PRO

  • Instructor Dashboard: A dedicated dashboard for instructors to manage their courses, students, and earnings.
  • Course Creation: Instructors can create and manage their own courses directly from the front-end.
  • Student Management: Instructors can view and manage their enrolled students.
  • Quiz Management: Instructors can create and manage quizzes for their courses.
  • Assignment Management: Instructors can create, assign, and grade assignments.
  • Earnings and Commissions: Instructors can track their earnings and commissions from course sales.
  • Reports and Analytics: Detailed reports and analytics for instructors to track course performance and student progress.
  • Communication Tools: Built-in tools for instructors to communicate with their students.
  • Content Drip: Instructors can schedule content to be released at specific intervals.
  • Multi-Instructor Support: Allows multiple instructors to collaborate on a single course.

Quoi de neuf (Journal des modifications - Changelog) dans WisdmLabs | Instructor Role for LearnDash PRO version

  • Current Version: 5.9.0
  • Author: LearnDash
  • Author URI:
  • Plugin URI:
  • Tags: LearnDash Add-on, Instructor Role LearnDash, User Role LearnDash
  • Requires at least: 6.0
  • Tested up to: 6.4.3
  • Requires at least PHP: 7.2.0
  • License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
  • Tested with LearnDash LMS version: 4.12.1
  • Tested with WooCommerce version: 8.7.0
  • Tested with Learndash-Woocommerce Integration version: 1.9.8
  • Tested with Learndash Certificate Builder version : 1.0.4
  • Tested with PHP version: 8.1.27
  • == Description ==
  • The Instructor Role Extension for LearnDash adds a user role ‘Instructor’ into your WordPress website. An ‘Instructor’ has capabilities to create courses content and track student progress, thus behaving as a teacher, instructor, or guide for students enrolled in your LearnDash LMS.
  • == Installation Guide ==
  • 1. Upon purchasing the Instructor Role Extension plugin, an email will be sent to the registered email id, with the download link for the plugin and a purchase receipt id. Download the plugin using the download link.
  • 2. Go to Plugin-> Add New menu in your dashboard and click on the ‘Upload’ tab. Choose the ‘’ file to be uploaded and click on ‘Install Now’.
  • 3. After the plugin has been installed successfully, click on the Activate Plugin link or activate the Instructor Role plugin from your Plugins page.
  • 4. A Instructor Role License sub-menu will be created under Plugins menu in your dashboard. Click on this menu and enter your purchased product’s license key. Click on Activate License. If license in valid, an ‘Active’ status message will be displayed, else ‘Inactive’ will be displayed.
  • 5. Upon entering a valid license key, and activating the license, a new user role ‘Instructor’ will be added to your LearnDash website.
  • == User Guide ==
  • How do I create an Instructor?
  • To create an instructor, create a new user and set the user’s role as ‘Instructor’ and save. To change an existing user’s role to an instructor, edit the user’s profile and change the user’s role to ‘Instructor’ and save the changes made.
  • How can an Instructor view Course Reports?
  • An instructor can view reports for courses created by going to LearnDash LMS -> Course Reports. The report for a course is displayed using a pie chart, and details for each student enrolled for the course are displayed in a tabular format. The course report can be downloaded as a CSV using the ‘Export Course Data’ button.
  • == Features ==
  • 1. Instructor has the capability to create and edit his/her own courses/lessons/topics/quizzes/certificates.
  • 2. Instructor can approve assigments for his/her own courses.
  • 3. Instructor can view and download course reports.
  • == Changelog ==
  • = 5.9.0 =
  • New : Revamp the Admin Instructor settings Panel, also added new onboarding flow for new users.
  • New : Administrators can now make changes to an instructor’s commission independently or in groups.
  • Fix : Fixed the issue where users were not able to purchase course when ‘Course purchase email to Instructor’ was enabled.
  • = 5.8.0 =
  • New: Added new Wisdm Certificates Tab for Instructors Gutenberg Block.
  • Tweak: Added missing start/end date, student limit and extend access course settings to Frontend Course Creator.
  • Fix: Fixed add new comment feature on frontend dashboard.
  • Fix: Fixed api permission issues for instructors for LearnDash APIs after LearnDash v4.10.3 update.
  • = 5.7.0 =
  • New: Added new Wisdm Groups Tab for Instructors Gutenberg Block.
  • Tweak: Improved API request pipelining mechanism on dashboard edit page.
  • Fix: Fixed new comment creation on essay and assignment tabs on frontend dashboard.
  • Fix: Fixed learners listing in course reports block for shared courses.
  • = 5.6.0 =
  • Fix: Fixed WordPress Coding standard issues.
  • Fix: Improved code quality and cleaned code to improve security and reduce code debt.
  • Fix: RTL fixes for Assignments and Quiz Attempts gutenberg blocks.

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