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WooCommerce Two Factor Authentication enhances your online store's security by adding an extra layer of protection. It requires users to verify their identity through a second method, such as a mobile app or email, ensuring that only authorized individuals can access sensitive information and perform transactions.

Comment télécharger WooCommerce Two Factor Authentication

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Prix normal : $25 Créé le : 1 mars 2021

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ClubWordPress Updater Plugin

Core Features of WooCommerce Two Factor Authentication

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of authentication.
  • Multiple Authentication Methods: Supports various methods such as SMS, email, and authenticator apps.
  • User Role-Based Access: Allows enabling 2FA for specific user roles like administrators, shop managers, etc.
  • Backup Codes: Provides backup codes to use in case the primary 2FA method is unavailable.
  • Customizable Settings: Offers options to customize the 2FA settings according to your needs.
  • Compatibility: Compatible with WooCommerce and other popular WordPress plugins.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to set up and manage through a user-friendly interface.
  • Security Logs: Keeps logs of all 2FA-related activities for monitoring and security purposes.
  • Email Notifications: Sends email notifications for 2FA-related activities like setup and login attempts.
  • QR Code Scanning: Allows users to set up 2FA by scanning a QR code with an authenticator app.
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WooCommerce Two Factor Authentication plugin seamlessly integrates into your WooCommerce login page implementing a two-factor authentication process!

(Shop admin account)
user: demo
pass: demo

(Customer account)
user: demo1
pass: demo

How to automatically update the plugin

To receive automatic updates install and configure the Envato updater plugin: . The official guide that explains how to configure it can be found at the following link: .

How it works: the authentication workflow

Once the plugin is activated, the process is straightforward:

  1. When the customer accesses the login page, besides the Username and Password fields, he will also see the new OTP field and the “OTP send” button (the login button will be hidden until the OTP is sent)
  2. Once he entered the Username/Email and clicked the “OTP send” button, he will receive the OTP via email, and the login button will appear
  3. The customer can then enter the OTP and proceed with the login

Highly customizable

Through the admin area, the shop admin can customize the OTP notification email, subject, error message, and more! He can also configure other parameters like the OTP length and validity time


The OTP area template can be customized. The template files can be copied into the theme folder and then customized according to your needs!

  1. woocommerce-two-factor-auth/templates/frontend/wc-login-form.php: this is the template used in the WooCommerce login area
  2. woocommerce-two-factor-auth/templates/frontend/wp-login-form.php: this is the template used in the WordPress admin login area


The OTP is a 12-length string randomly generated. The OTP is valid for a fixed time amount (by default is 5 minutes) after which it will expire. To prevent brute force attacks, the plugin also checks the number of attempts the user performs. By default, after 3 wrong attempts, the OTP will expire. All the parameters can be edited through the options menu.

Autologin on registration

The plugin optionally allows disabling the autologin performed by WooCommerce after an account has been created via the “My Account” area. This forces the user to perform the log in via the log in area and so use the OTP sent in the registered email address

NOTE: The autologin performed when registering an account via the Checkout page, cannot be disabled. You need eventually to completely disable the create account option via the WooCommerce -> Settings -> account & Privacy area.


The plugin supports the WPML translation plugin. All the available texts can be customized and translated for each installed language.

Note on custom login area

Any alteration of the login page or login process via 3rd party software might prevent the plugin to work as expected. In case of any issue, restore the original.



Login area


Login area – After the OPT is sent via email


Error message




Admin login area


Configuration menu




 = 1.7 - 23.07.23 = * Improved stability * Minor improvements  = 1.6 - 11.02.22 = * added option to enable/disable the "create account" option on checkout and the autologin  = 1.5 - 27.10.21 = * Fixed an issue that prevents the plugin to be properly activated in some scenarios  = 1.4 - 26.10.21 = * Minor improvements  = 1.3 - 12.03.21 = * UX improvements  = 1.2 - 04.03.21 = * Minor improvements  = 1.1 - 01.03.21 = * Fixed an issue related to the login template  = 1.0 - 28.02.21 = * First release

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