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Version 1.1.8
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The Newsletter Subscribe on Comments WordPress plugin allows users to easily subscribe to your newsletter when they leave a comment. Enhance engagement by automatically adding commenters to your mailing list, ensuring they stay updated with your latest content. Simple to install and configure, it’s a must-have for growing your audience.

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Core Features of “Newsletter Subscribe on Comments” Plugin

  • Automatic Subscription: Automatically subscribe users to your newsletter when they leave a comment.
  • Double Opt-In: Ensures compliance with email marketing laws by requiring users to confirm their subscription.
  • Customizable Opt-In Checkbox: Add a customizable opt-in checkbox to your comment form.
  • Integration with Popular Email Services: Seamlessly integrates with popular email marketing services like MailChimp, AWeber, and more.
  • GDPR Compliance: Provides features to help you comply with GDPR regulations.
  • Easy Setup: Simple and straightforward setup process.
  • Shortcodes: Use shortcodes to place subscription forms anywhere on your site.
  • Customizable Email Templates: Customize the confirmation and welcome emails sent to new subscribers.
  • Subscriber Management: Manage your subscribers directly from the WordPress dashboard.
  • Analytics: Track subscription rates and other key metrics.

List of improvements in Newsletter Subscribe on Comments version 1.1.8

  • = 1.1.8 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.6
  • = 1.1.7 =
  • Annulation de la programmation d’un événement lors de la désactivation
  • = 1.1.6 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.5.4
  • Aligné sur la Newsletter 8.3 pour la sécurité
  • = 1.1.5 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.5.2
  • = 1.1.4 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.4.2
  • = 1.1.3 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.4.1
  • = 1.1.2 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.3
  • = 1.1.1 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.2.2
  • = 1.1.0 =
  • Compatibilité WP 6.0.1
  • = 1.0.9 =
  • Compatibilité WP 5.9.3
  • En-têtes de plugin
  • = 1.0.8 =
  • Suppression du code obsolète
  • = 1.0.7 =
  • Ajout d’un repli pour utiliser la position du formulaire après commentaire
  • = 1.0.6 =
  • Correction de l’avertissement dans le panneau de configuration
  • = 1,0,5 =
  • Nouveau format d’addon
  • = 1.0.4 =
  • Correction du lien du menu supérieur
  • = 1.0.3 =
  • Correction de la vérification de la version
  • = 1.0.2 =
  • Correction de fautes de frappe
  • = 1.0.1 =
  • Correction de la prise en charge des listes
  • = 1.0.0 =
  • Première version

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