Core Features of Oxy Ultimate Woo
- Product Grid: Display products in a customizable grid layout.
- Product Carousel: Showcase products in a rotating carousel.
- Product Slider: Create a sliding product showcase.
- Product Tabs: Organize products into tabbed sections.
- Product List: Display products in a list format.
- Product Categories: Showcase product categories dynamically.
- Product Filters: Add advanced filtering options for products.
- Single Product Elements: Customize single product pages with various elements.
- Quick View: Allow users to view product details in a popup.
- Wishlist: Enable a wishlist feature for users to save products.
- Compare Products: Allow users to compare multiple products.
- Product Badges: Add custom badges to products (e.g., “New”, “Sale”).
- Stock Progress Bar: Display stock levels with a progress bar.
- Product Countdown: Add countdown timers for product sales.
- Product Labels: Add custom labels to products.
- Product Reviews: Display product reviews and ratings.
- Product Video: Embed videos on product pages.
- Product Gallery: Create image galleries for products.
- Product Zoom: Enable zoom functionality on product images.
- Product Variations: Display product variations in a user-friendly way.