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WPC Estimated Delivery Date for WooCommerce Premium is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows store owners to display accurate delivery dates for their products. Enhance customer satisfaction by providing precise shipping information directly on the product page, cart, and checkout.

How to download WPC Estimated Delivery Date for WooCommerce Premium

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Core Features of WPC Estimated Delivery Date for WooCommerce Premium

  • Estimated Delivery Date Display: Show estimated delivery dates on product pages, cart, and checkout pages.
  • Customizable Date Format: Customize the date format to match your store’s preferences.
  • Shipping Class Support: Set different delivery times for different shipping classes.
  • Product Category Support: Configure estimated delivery dates based on product categories.
  • Holiday Management: Define holidays and non-working days to exclude them from delivery estimates.
  • Lead Time Configuration: Set lead times for products to account for preparation and handling times.
  • Shipping Method Integration: Integrate with various shipping methods to provide accurate delivery estimates.
  • Custom Messages: Add custom messages to display alongside delivery estimates.
  • Multi-language Support: Compatible with WPML and other translation plugins for multi-language stores.
  • Shortcode Support: Use shortcodes to display estimated delivery dates anywhere on your site.
  • Bulk Edit: Bulk edit delivery dates for multiple products at once.
  • Priority Support: Access to premium support for troubleshooting and assistance.

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